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Seymour Duncan Quarter Pound Jazzmaster Bridge

Mint condition. 12.1 kΩ

High output single coils with 1/4″ diameter pole pieces that will turn your Jazzmaster into a hot, fat monster.

With its ¼” diameter alnico 5 rod magnets, and custom overwound coil, our Quarter Pound Jazzmaster neck pickup will give you a powerful, warm rhythm sound. This pickup is RWRP for hum-free operation when used with the bridge pickup.Our Quarter Pound Jazzmaster bridge pickup will deliver a powerful midrange punch that will make both chords and solos jump out with rich harmonics.These pickups move away from the traditional bright Jazzmaster sound and gives your guitar a sound similar to a P90 Soapbar pickup. Both the neck and bridge models are drop-in replacements for Fender American Standard Jazzmaster sized pickups. They will fit perfectly into the original covers (NOTE: pole pieces will not go through the cover).We build these with ¼” diameter alnico 5 rod magnets, a custom coil wind, custom flatwork, and each pickup is wax potted for squeal free operation. Do not come with covers.

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