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Beetronics Nectar Tone Sweetener

Sale price $199.00

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 The Nectar "Tone Sweetener" strikes a perfect
balance between versatility and simplicity. It
 offers a wide range of tones, spanning from a
  vintage tweed-style crunch to a full-bodied
  overdrive, and even a modern high-gain fuzz
 that pairs wonderfully with any guitar, pedal
                    or amp.
   Use the mode toggle to switch between the
DRIVE and FUZZZ modes, while the LEDS indicate
  the selected mode, even when the effect is
 bypassed. Fine-tune your sound with the TASTE
 control to set the perfect eq for each guitar
                    or amp.
      The Nectar's responsiveness is truly
 unparalleled, like a delicate bee collecting
    pollen. Every nuance of your playing is
    enhanced and sweetened in the best way
      possible, with plenty of headroom.
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